VeryOne releases its first tutorial video!
Postée le 30 juin 2020 par sgagence
VeryOne® Cetane Improver unloading best practices
Safety is at the heart of VeryOne continuous improvement policy. To answer to client concerns versus unloading 2EHN product on site, VeryOne releases a tutorial video presenting the best practices for the VeryOne® Cetane Improver unloading.
The main goal is to present the safer ways to handle the VeryOne® Cetane Improver. VeryOne recommends five secured scenario of emptying the VeryOne® Cetane Improver’s bulk tank truck. This video has an informational purpose for customers and prospects in order to limit any risk of accident and misuse of the VeryOne® Cetane Improver during the unloading process.
For safe use of the VeryOne® Cetane Improver, always refer to the last Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provided by VeryOne. You can also contact the VeryOne team in case of any doubt.