

VeryOne is the world leading 2-EHN producer with a production capacity of 80,000 MT annually manufactured in Sorgues, France. VeryOne is also supplying other fuel additives as Lubricity Improvers, CFPP

2-EHN has been produced by VeryOne in its Sorgues facility in the South of France since 1984 (at that time SNPE).

The EURENCO group is specialized in Energetic products and have a unique skill and long experience on nitration.

Yes, in 2018 Eurenco adopted the established company trade name and became VeryOne in order to leverage our unblemished reputation in Fuel Improvers. EURENCO was created in 2004 as a branch of the SNPE (Societe Nationale des Poudres et Explosifs).

2-EHN is an acronym for 2-EthylHexyl Nitrate, also called Cetane Improver. Cetane Improver is a fuel additive which increases the Cetane Number of a Diesel fuel. This higher value is linked to lower fuel consumption, reduction in particulate matter and NOx emissions, quicker engine start-up, and less engine knock and noise, and a reduction in engine wear.

  • ASTM D613 CFR – Cooperative Fuel Research Engine
  • ASTM D6890 IQT – Ignition Quality Tester
  • ASTM D7170 FIT – Fuel Ignition Tester
  • In the US, ASTM D975 is adopted by most states with a minimum specification of 40. Some states have implemented higher standards:
    1. California’s CARB Diesel Fuel Specifications defines a minimum Cetane Number value as 53.
    2. The Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) Program sets the minimum at 48 for the 110 participating counties.
  • EN 590 sets the minimum specification in the EU at 51.
*The quality of the crude processed into diesel directly impacts the Cetane Number response curve. The nominal data represented above are based upon randomly selected samples of product and are believed to represent average values.
Characteristic Test Meth Min Max
Appearance Visual
ColorASTM D1209 ≤ 50 APHA
Purity (2-EHN) *5011P08 H-GB ≥ 99.0%
Alcohol content *5011P08 H-GB ≤ 1.0%
Acidity (as HNO3) *6011B01 I-GB ≤ 30 ppm
Density ASTM D4052 0.962 kg/l 0.972 kg/l
Sulfur ASTM D2622 ≤ 15 ppm
Water *7011U27 F-GB ≤ 500 ppm

*As an industry leader on all 2-EHN matters, these methods have been developed over the last 35 years to provide the most accurate characterization and assessment of 2-EHN. All methods are available to customers upon request.

  • SDS – Safety Data Sheet
  • TDS – Technical Data Sheet
  • *ATC Best Practices Manual – Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe.

All three are available upon request.

*While the ATC Best Practices Manual should be used as a general guidance document for 2-EHN storage and handling, you should always refer to the latest product SDS’s from suppliers as these are updated on a regular basis as new health and safety information becomes available.

Under properly stored conditions, the VeryOne Cetane Improver can be used in the 2 years from date of purchase.

The following transload methods are the most commonly used:

  • Centrifugal pump
  • Gravity flow drainage
  • Diaphragm pump

In all scenarios, proper care must be utilized to ensure no contact occurs between 2-EHN and any heated surface greater than 140°F (60°C). This can be done using temperature sensing technology, monitoring flow rates, noticing changes in pump pitch/volume, proper usage of check valves, and/or the implementation of manual/automatic bypasses.

Stainless steel is recommended. Due to cost issues, carbon steel is routinely used, however proper care must be utilized to monitor and eliminate water from accumulating in the bottom of tanks. Unchecked water content can hydrolyze to form nitric acid which will corrode the storage vessel.

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), more commonly known by the brand name Teflon©, work both for containment of 2-EHN.

VeryOne® Cetane Improver can be bought at multiple locations all over the world, sales offices of particular interest are:

  • Global Headquarters in Sorgues, France
  • Americas Headquarters in Houston, Texas
  • Asia Pacific Headquarters in Guangzhou, China

VeryOne offers 2-EHN in drums, totes, ISO’s, bulk trucks and railcars. Area availability of each is subject to confirmation.

Depending on volumes needed and the package size required, standard shipping is 3 to 5 business days. In certain areas and/or more remote locations, this may be extended and is subject to verification with your local sales leader.

Amongst the different ways to determine the Cetane Number, the Cetane Engine (ASTM D 613) is usually the standard.

There are 2 ways to determine the Cetane Number of a Diesel Fuel.

The first one, called Calculated Cetane Index, is a theoretical determination. It uses a calculation based on the density and the distillation range of a crude diesel fuel. This estimation is only made for fuels without any additive in it. The specification of the Cetane Index in Europe is minimum 46.

The second one, called Measured Cetane Number, uses a normalized laboratory test. The Cetane Number is determined by comparing the behavior of the tested fuel to 2 reference mixtures with known Cetane Number. In this case, all fuels, with or without additives, can be tested. The specification in Europe is minimum 51.

Cetane Improver increases the Measured Cetane Number, but has no impact on the Calculated Cetane Index.

Apparatus used for Cetane Number measurement: CFR (Cooperative Fuel Research engine, ASTM D916), IQT (Ignition Quality Tester, D6890), DCN (Derived Cetane Number, ASTM D7170) or CID 510 (Cetane Ignition Delay, ASTM D7668).

Each country or state shall define its own diesel specification. For environmental reasons, in year 2000, Europe fixed the Cetane Index at 46, and the Cetane Number at 51, at the same time as low sulfur diesel regulation. Step by step, most of the states around the world would fix the same level of Cetane Number.

In cold weather countries, the Cetane Number can be lower during the winter season. This is explained by the difference in climate, and the addition of kerosen into the diesel. For example: the arctic diesel is at 47-49 in Europe.

Disclaimer: Information herein concerning laws and regulations is based on EU and North American regulations except when specific reference is made to those of other jurisdictions. Since conditions of use and governmental regulations may differ from one location to another and may change with time, it is the customer’s responsibility to determine whether 2-EHN is appropriate for the customer’s use, and to assure that the customer’s workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with laws, regulations, ordinances, and other governmental enactment applicable in the jurisdiction(s) having authority over the customer’s operations.